(Entrepreneur and designer Ercole Barovier was the son of Benvenuto Barovier.
At age 30 he became a partner in his father's company, the Vetreria Artistica
Barovier & C. After becoming its artistic director in 1926, he took over
its management with his brother Nicol˜. He became sole proprietor in 1936,
engineering the fusion between his own glass workshop and the S.A.I.A.R.
Ferro-Toso. In 1942, the new company was renamed Barovier & Toso. Ercole
maintained artistic direction of the new company until 1972. Over the
course of his 50-year activity, he invented numerous decorative techniques
which contributed significantly to the renovation of art glass. Already
in the Twenties he obtained great success; first with the murrine vessels,
then with totally original creations such as the primavera glass collection
(1929-30). From the beginning of the Thirties, he dedicated himself entirely
to experimenting with new multi-colored effects, in particular he perfected
the colorazione a caldo senza fusione technique which he first used in
1935-36 to create the series Crepuscolo, Autunno Gemmato, Marina Gemmata
and Laguna Gemmata. Before World War II he preferred soft shapes and rather
thick materials, whereas in the post-war period his interest turned specifically
to the field of traditional techniques, which he continued to re-interpret
through his very last creations with the series a tessere in 1972. In
the Fifties, his work distinguished itself both for the vivid quality
of its colors as well as for the singularity of the materials which were
noted for the roughness of their surfaces like the Barbarici which sometimes
were modeled in primitive forms like the Eugenei and Aborigeni. During
the Sixties and Seventies, he gave new interpretations of his a tessere
glass with the Dorici, Caccia, Rotellati and other series which were characterized
by unusual color combinations.
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